My Cole Puppy.

I love you so much.  It's been a couple months since you departed.  I have not been able to accept this. That's the reason this has taken so long.  I knew for so long it would hurt so much to do this.  Coco, you are a force I can't describe.  I miss you so much. More than I thought I would. You are so special, I can't describe it. Your personality was as big and beautiful as your physical presence was.   Your KING KING!  God, I miss you so much, I crave to see and feel that exuberance you displayed for life.

When I first saw you I couldn't believe how beautiful you were. I thought someone would adopt you. then about a month later I saw the same picture and I couldn't believe no one adopt you.  So I went to boliver and that was the beginning of our eternal relationship. I'm so sorry we paid so much attention to the pups. My baby, I love you so much.   I am also so sorry about how difficult it was for you (toward the end). And I am sorry for not doing more for you.  Oh my god you are such a good boy.

Coco, I can't say enough about you.  My heart aches without your presence.  I hope I made you happy my friend.  I am regretful I wasn't there with you when you passed. I will be eternally remorseful for that.  How could I be so stupid?!

I will be with you forever, there for you in spirit.  No matter what.  I love you so much.  Please come see me as often as you can. I miss you dreadfully.  My god you were so special.  I won't go into detail about how awesome of a physical specimen you were, because that is in another time, but your spirit is just as awesome, and I long to be with you and feel that magnanimous, infectious happiness and jubilation you shared with me for so many years ..But not enough.  I feel like a chicken-shit loser for leaving you. I should have made sure that didn't happen.  Oh my god I hope you can forgive me for that, Coco, I am severely regretful.  I want to hold you so much, and see your smile and feel you push against me.

I could never write enough about you.  Please come to as much as you can, please stay with me forever.   I will have an eternal void if you are not here.  

Best Dog God Ever Created

Best Dog God Ever Created

AUG-2021 COCO HAS DEPARTED. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH COCO.  COLE (KOLE) THE PUPPY, WHO GREW IN TO THE BEST DOG ANYONE COULD EVER HOPE TO KNOW.  I LOVE YOU COCO.  I HOPE TO GOD YOU ARE SOMEWHERE ELSE NOW, HAPPY AND THRIVING IN YOUR NEW LIFE.  I miss you like mad. Like I can't even believe how much.  You are such a wonderful sweet dog it is unreal.  SO easy to take care of, so thankful, so happy.  You were an icon around this property for almost 2 decades. When I look out back and see an empty hard my heart aches, as I remember you trotting around so happy.  I am so glad you loved your life with me, my friend, I would live it over and over again with you.  My heart will be with you for eternity.  God help us stay close.

I love Cane Also

Cane Dog; We Love You

April 2014 (estimate) to August 2015.    With us for April, May, June, July and some of August, 2015.

Killed August11th 2015 (or the night of August 10 after midnight)



I Love You SO MUCH, COCO AND CANE, My buddy's.  I miss you, and seeing you will be the best part about passing into your realm.

Can was about 11 months when he wandered into our lives, and for a few months we had our soul mate living with us physically.  This tribute is to Cane, the dog, who came and left mysteriously, but had the biggest impact of any should could ever have.  April 2014 (estimate) to june 2015. 

It was 2006 when I saw a beautiful dog in an email about rescuing dogs.  About a month later I got the same email, and I was shocked that no one had grabbed the beautiful dog in the image, so I went and got the dog. It was you, Coco!  Your name was Kole, We changed it to Cole to match, then just to CoCo.  Your entire family loves you.  You have been top dog since Katie left in 2013, and were topdog every day of your life after.

I cannot free myself from the pain of losing you.  Your life was just beginning, a twinkle that would surly have lit my life forever, just starting to grow, just starting to sparkle.  You remain one of the most magnificent creatures and one of the comforting of souls I have ever come on contact with.  The short number of days we had on this earth together fill my heart with joy and pain.

I planned on us being together like that for a couple decades, I imagined how old we would be together, but due to my negligence, it was only a couple of months.  I let you down and the cruel highway took you from us.  I never thought you would go and want to cross that highway, seemingly far away, but for you, so close.  I am forever in your debt.  I owe you eternally for the mistake I had made. I let you down.  I cannot ever make up for that.

The love I have for you is much more than a 'summer romance', I feel you in my soul and that we waited centuries to be together [again] and our time was crushed and ended before it got started.  I had so many plans for us.  You are the sweetest dog I will ever know.  The way you protected and played with your little kitty friend will always warm my heart as it drains my soul knowing you are both gone now.. Victims of that godam road and my negligence. 

Though I feel your soul and feel like we will always be together, my heart aches with your absence and thought of your short time here with me.  I feel like I will have to wait centuries more before we can physically hold each other again. Losing you has been devastating and I remain distraught with you gone.  I am sorry I did not do more activity with you.  Our big back yard and friends to play with, you loved, but you always wanted more and to explore. 

I planned on taking you so many places my friend, I planned on doing so many things with you, and being with you for so long.  In the time you were here, it was very busy and sometimes we couldn't spend as much time with you as we should have.  I am so sorry Cane, that we went to a movie that night instead of staying home and walking you.  You wanted so much to explore and be out, and I made you do it alone, without me, and it cost you the ultimate price, and myself the ultimate friend. 

You appeared here out of nowhere like magic.. I truly thought you were a gift from god, sent directly.  And, I have squandered this gift and let my best friend down.  I cry now because it's difficult to remember what you felt like, what you smelled like, and how it felt to hold you, but I do remember how much I loved you, how strong I felt for you and sometimes that magical feeling of touching you, and I will hold that feeling until we see each other again.  I think about you everyday, and I will everyday for the rest of my life. 

I long to be with you again, my friend.  We will have an entire lifetime to catch up on. God bless you baby Cane, you 'are' the best most beloved dog I will ever know, even though our physical time was short, our souls were, and will always be connected.  My heart is always open for you to return. I am out there frequently in my dreams looking for you and being with you.  I will never forget you Cane, and you will always be a part of who I am.  I plan on seeing you again.  I trust we are together in spirit always. 

I long to sleep so I can be with you.  I am sorry I waited to construct this website for you.  I don't know why.  We grieved over you immensely.  I regret it took this long to create, i guess I just couldn't bring myself to let you go.  Burying you was the most difficult thing I have ever done in my life. I am so sorry my friend, so sorry.  I love you so much and will be with you frequently in my thoughts and dreams. I am greatly sorrowful for allowing you to get killed on the highway. 

Our midnight walks will never be the same without you.  You were so stoic and brave for such a young dog.  I remember once in an exceedingly busy truck stop with other dogs barking, so m much confusion and noise, we were waiting on mommy and  you sat calmly on the back of the Avalanche with me while I held and stoked your beautiful face.  I was so proud of you setting there so calm and confident in the middle of that mayhem.  I wish we could have traveled a lot more together in this timeline.  I miss you so much, it's so painful to think of how little time we spent.  I  was so busy always.  I remember being hurried one day and I ignored it so I could hold you and tell you how much I loved you.  But never enough times did I do that.  I hope we can continue the bog plans I had at some point. I feel like I waited thousands of years to be with you here, and I will wait however long it takes to be with you again, my dear friend.  I will add a comment section so we can send  you messages.  We both love you very much and so does Coco. I hope Sunflower is with you.  Love, Your Mom n Dad

You're the BEST Freaking dog EVER in the universe.. I can't tell you 'I love you' enough times!!
8-25-21.  No matter how long I live, I will be with you for eternity my best friend. Can't believe it's been 6+ years as  of this comment. A hundred years will feel like a day when I see you again.


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